Helping in the wake of Super Typhoon Haiyan

Super Typhoon Haiyan, possibly the worst storm of its kind in history, ravaged the Philippines. Here’s how you can help future victims.  In traditional terms this was not a devastating hurricane since only about 1000  people died.  However, it struck land with the highest wind speed ever recorded, 305km/hr.

1. Walk, don’t fly.

2. Air condition to no lower than 25C.

3. Heat to no higher than 18C.

4. Figure out what “C” means.  Get with the program.

5. Stop idling!

6. Get out your bicycle.

7. Trade your SUV or pickup for a smaller, hybrid, vehicle.

8. Eat less beef, pork, chicken and more beans and tofu.

9. Insulate your house.

10. Use a clothes line instead of a clothes dryer.  Use a towel instead of a hair dryer.

11. Move closer to your work.

12. Stop driving your kids everywhere.

13. Instead of spending your money helping victims, spend it on prevention.